Sunday, September 26, 2004

From the "well duh" files

My uncle forwarded a news article to me.

It has a good point that there needs to be more study on how a patient's gender can effect diseases.

Still, the article manages to make one person look pretty stupid.
"Women are different than men, not only psychologically (but) physiologically, and I think we need to understand those differences," says Dr. Catherine DeAngelis, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Women are different physiologically. This is a new conclusion? I figured that out for myself at a pretty young age without any medical training. In light of this evidence, it turns out I was a prodigy and should have trained in the medical field. I mean if I knew that men and women were different when I was 4 years old and medicine is only discovering that fact now, I should have been able to cure cancer by the time I was 25.