Thursday, October 16, 2003

You can't say that in church...

Yesterday MSNBC broke the unbelievably controversial (please note sarcasm) story that a Christian actually believes Christian teachings.

It seems General William Boykin committed the unforgivable sin (to the secular world) of relating his religious beliefs to current events. General Boykin said he believes George W. Bush is in office "because God put him there for a time such as this."
One of his most egregious statements seems to be, "Why are terrorists out to destroy the United States? They're after us because we're a Christian nation."

In response NBC News military analyst Bill Arkin said, "I think that it is not only at odds with what the president believes, but it is a dangerous, extreme and pernicious view that really has no place."

So let me get this straight. In a country that has a Constitutional Amendment protecting the right to freely practice one's religion, General Boykin's religious view of the world has no place?


It seems Mr. Arkin and his ilk believe in selective Constitutional enforcement. That is we must defend freedom of the press to the death, but freedom of religion? Apparently not so important for Arkin.