I think I brought the flu back from New Mexico with me. What to do when you're sick?
A. Watch daytime TV.
B. Blog.
C. Drink IBC.
Since A is worse than being sick, I'm going with B & C. I'm pretty sure medical experts agree that IBC rootbeer shortens the duration of the flu by at least 3 to 4 minutes.
As for blogging, I see the New York Times published a fake photo today (hat tip Powerline Blog). The caption claims to show the remains of a missile that destroyed from a home in Pakistan. This is supposedly the result of an airstrike from a Predator Drone the happened on January 13th that is getting protests from Pakistani citizens. Yahoo News changed their caption to claim it is "unexploded ordinance". The catch here is that the attack was from a predator drone which doesn't carry ordinance. American Thinker has a through debunking of claim.
Is this another case of "fake but accurate" reporting that CBS news invented with the forged Air National Guard memo?